Muscle & Fitness: How to Avoid Touching Your Face

2 min read

In the article “How to Stop Touching Your Face”, Muscle & Fitness discusses the reasoning behind not touching your face with Dr. Denise Pate of Medical Offices of Manhattan – a partner of LabFinder. 


Dr. Pate explains that “viruses can easily transmit by touching contaminated surfaces followed by your face like eyes, nose, and mouth.” Novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is no different. Any surface that comes in contact with your face should be carefully cleaned to ensure viruses cannot spread. Hands, of course, are one of the most common surfaces to touch our face (often subconsciously), but phones and other devices can also transmit the virus. Dr. Pate continues that “It’s everyone’s responsibility to remain vigilant in properly maintaining these commonly touched surfaces clean. If not, the unconscious habit of face touching will transmit the virus to yourself and the people you come in contact with.” The simple fact is, beyond being more mindful, it is difficult to stop touching your face. Make touching your face safer by washing your hands and devices thoroughly. 


Worried that you may have COVID-19? Talk to your doctor to see if you should schedule a COVID-19 Lab Test at a lab near you.