Have an event coming up and need all of your guests tested?

2 min read


We Now Offer Onsite & Workplace COVID Testing

For weddings, businesses, and more.

Some highlights:

  1. LabFinder can set up a custom link that the event host can send out to all attendees
  2. LabFinder will partner with a lab company to administer COVID testing to all guests
  3. Guests can book their appts in advance and receive results in a timely manner
  4. Guests can email their results to the event host


Ready to get started? Go here.


Popular Blood Tests

Tuberculosis Test

Starting a new job or going to a new school? You more than likely will need a TB test before you can begin. This test can be booked through our platform at a lab center conveniently located for you. You will even have the option to email them directly to your employer or school. Simple as that!

Go here to learn more or book a test.

Blood Sugar Test (Hemoglobin A1C)

If you’re 45 or older, or under 45 with higher risk factors for diabetes you should get a baseline A1C test. This test is used to diagnose pre-diabetes and also to monitor blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. Use LabFinder to book and keep your results all in one place.

Go here to learn more or book a test.