LabFindr Blog


The tragic and unexpected loss of the Black Panther star, Chadwick Boseman, makes it worth discussing the importance of colon cancer screening and how preventive measures can save lives. Medical abnormalities about the Gastrointestinal tract can be embarrassing for many. They may contribute to psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression. In this blog, […]

COVID And Your Heart

The novel coronavirus has impacted every aspect of our lives, and people today are more susceptible to fear and misinformation than ever before. However, on the bright side and our credit, healthcare professionals have learned so much about the virus and implemented plans of action more rapidly than ever before. 

As we […]

The latest news in the coronavirus fight has reached new heights with the latest advancements in testing. In just the past year, there have been multiple tests released to the general public in 2020, which might confuse some people. 

We now have three different methods to test for COVID-19;

1. The RT- PCR test – A Nasal Swab […]

It is not news by now that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, causes damage to the respiratory system. Questions like how and why, have a clearer understanding on the mechanisms in which the virus works than we did when the outbreak broke out earlier in the year. 

In a John Hopkins University BLOG featuring Panagis Galiatsatos, […]

As we recover from our July 4th weekend with family and friends, we at LabFinder decided it was time to remind everyone how important it is to remain safe and vigilant regarding your health. Burnt out from COVID-19 is a very real thing which has negatively impacted not only mental health of individuals but […]

In the face of uncertain times, when current events dominate the news headlines from daily briefings regarding COVID-19 from government and health officials, protesters gathering in large crowds, and the reopening phases of the economy. It is understandable how important medical exams and follow-ups with doctors can be missed or rescheduled to later dates. […]